Pizza for Breakfast

Why not have pizza for breakfast when it's only WW 7pts+?  One of our favorite meals in this house is pizza... so I was on the lookout for ingredients that would allow me to create a pizza that would be fresh, delicious, FULL OF PEPPERONI, and low enough in points+ that it wouldn't deplete my whole day's and week's worth.  Here it is, and it is yummy!  We have a company here in San Diego called California Baking Co. which makes the Italian Rolls you see pictured below.  They have an unofficial Weight Watchers Points+ value of...1.!!



I only needed 1/4 C sauce for both slices.   I also used 1 serving of the turkey pepperoni, which is about 17 slices!  A few went in my mouth, the rest on the bread.

I have a Toaster Oven, so I set it to Bake at 400 deg., for about 7-10 min, then switched to Broil for a few min., depending on the crispness and color of the cheese you desire.


Oh yeah, time to eat!


Pizza for Breakfast  {or anytime}
7pts+ for both slices [**WW]

1 *CBC Italian Roll {or another long roll with Points+ value of 1}
1/4 C Chunky Ragu Mama's Special Garden Sauce
1oz of Part-Skim Mozzarella 
17 slices of Hormel Turkey Pepperoni

Bake in toaster oven at 400 def. for 8-10 min. Switch from Bake to Broil for a few min. until desired crisp and color is achieved.

Let cool for a min. or so, and Enjoy!
*CBC = California Baking Co.
** WW = Weight Watchers

-Becky Charms


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