Milk and Cookies Oatmeal ..Cookies for Anytime

oatmeal, milk, cookies, recipe, baking, cooking, breakfast, brunch 
Have you ever heard of Milk and Cookies Oatmeal?  No, me either!  The weather here in San Diego is very nice today: overcast with hints of Fall.  Perfect!  I baked a warm batch of soft and chewy oatmeal raisin cookies with chocolate chips and we've been eating them for days, no problem. {this was a new recipe, view the entire adapted recipe on BeckyCharms Recipes} However, I wanted something slightly heartier and more filling.. 
oatmeal, milk, cookies, recipe, baking, cooking, breakfast, brunch 

I made some Coach's Oats oatmeal, found at Costco in a big bag.  The texture is different from old-fashioned oats.  The contrast between the two types of oatmeal was going to be really nice.  This Milk and Cookies Oatmeal was going to be the next go-to breakfast.

oatmeal, milk, cookies, recipe, baking, cooking, breakfast, brunch 

I measured out 1/2 cup of my prepared Coach's Oats, and placed 2 baked oatmeal raisin chocolate chip cookies in the bowl.  {I tried it with one cookie first, but one wasn't enough!  It never is!}

oatmeal, milk, cookies, recipe, baking, cooking, breakfast, brunch

  Break up the cookie with your spoon, as much or little as you prefer.  As you can see from the picture, I left some bigger chunks of cookie in there!  They're going to soak up the milk just perfectly.

oatmeal, milk, cookies, recipe, baking, cooking, breakfast, brunch 

Pour the milk, as much or little as you like.. I poured in about 1/3 to 1/2 cup.  Just enough to make it moist with a little extra, but not swimming.

oatmeal, milk, cookies, recipe, baking, cooking, breakfast, brunch 

The only thing that will remain.. CRUMBS!!  Maybe not even those if you get down and dirty and lick the bowl.. Shh, I won't tell.  Tiny Baker even finished ALL of her Milk and Cookies Oatmeal..

Find more details and the full recipe here at BeckyCharms Recipes.  Pass it on..

oatmeal, milk, cookies, recipe, baking, cooking, breakfast, brunch

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Frugal Girls Chic and Crafty

-Becky Charms

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