
A Saturday spent at home: an insightful short story.

If the TV Theme Song to Fresh Prince of Bel Air Were Written Today.. v.01

Once Upon A Nightmare : Poem

Even Though The Fire Was Warm, the Room Was Stone Cold..

And then I met the Sweet Fabulous Beekman Boys in San Diego 2013 | An Heirloom Book Signing

Dine-O for Wine-O Haiku Writing Contest for Dining Out SD | San Diego, CA

A Handful of Tequila Haikus

Everyone's Asleep and I'm Still Up This is Nuts

A Modern Take on Electronic Love Talk and Romantic Songs

Showing Kindness During Unkind Circumstances.

Bake Sale Preparation and Procrastination

Stay UP to Date and FollowUP with BeckyCharms on Bloglovin'

In West Philadelphia Born and Raised I Lived Never but I Sing the Song

Monsanto GMO FLOTUS POTUS is Feeding us Lies

Vegas BABY With My Little Buddy My Lucky Winner

Miss Haul Away, Yes, Mr. Gray Won't You Be My Love With Some As You Wish FarmBoy

After Four or Five or Six or 10 years You're Finally Graduating

Easter Sunday 2013 and Jesus Is Risen Indeed!

The Paradigm of Hiding One's Self: Introspection within Extrospection

Daddy, Please Don't Leave Me: Poem